Staying Active

Being Active while Living in Suburbia
Since the beginning of the pandemic in 2020 people have become less active than before. Us at Kronos Health Market all know that it's not always easy to find ways to be active, especially when there doesn't seem to be too much to do. There's not always access to gyms or even recreational centers when being in a small town. We do have a few ideas for you to help keep you active. First is something called 'Active Transport'. 'Active transportation is defined as: approaches that encourage individuals to actively travel from one destination to the next, such as walking or biking, decreasing the use for motorized transportation. In many small towns, actively transporting to the grocery store, school, post office, or a neighbor’s house can be done with ease." (Staying active in a rural community 2023) One way to stay active is to workout in your own home. If you're like me, or many other people out there, that's difficult. You can always find something else to do other than working out. So maybe instead of 'working out' you can do squats during commercials, or dance while you make dinner. Bounce on an exercise ball while working from home. These are all ways that you can actually 'workout' with out really working out! Another thing you could try during the warmer months is getting out doors. Everything in the spring is bright and new! So many new things to see and flowers to smell. Walking around your neighborhood, biking or even roller skating are things that you could do to stay active. See if you can find a community group that walks, or bikes and if you can't find one, maybe you could create one! I'm sure there's many people out there that would love to make new friends and stay active. I know that many people living in a more rural area have more trouble getting active. "Exercise plays a vital role in the prevention and management of many chronic diseases and illnesses. Mental health, Cardiovascular Disease, including heart attack and stroke, and many cancers are among the leading causes of mortality and morbidity in regional and remote dwellers." (Exercise Right, 2018) These are things that we want to keep in check, and the way to do that is to get our bodies moving. If you can get your heart pumping for 30-60 minutes a day 3-4 times a week you greatly reduce having a heart attack or stroke. Keeping our cardio vascular system healthy is a great way to help keep us healthy as well. These sites can be a big help if you need it!
Disclaimer: This is not a real blog, just a class assignment


  1. Hi Cari! Great blog about staying active. I especially liked the video explaining how it benefits you to stay active. I think it's fascinating (and didn't know) that your body can gain more mitochondria as you exercise. Even up to 50% more mitochondria, wow! That's why your endurance level goes up and that's why you are more in shape after exercising regularly! I had no idea about that, it's good to know now! I love how the video described other bits of information on how your body improves when you exercise regularly. Great information!

    Before starting nursing school in May 2021, I was a regular at the gym and would go 2-3 times a week for about 1 1/2- 2 hrs each time. I loved working out in the group fitness classes there, both cardio and weight lifting. I had been doing that for 2 years and it felt so good. I was really proud of myself and loved working out. Now, not so much and I'm so tired all the time. I really need to go back to the gym, this post is motivating me to start thinking about doing that again soon. Thanks! :)

  2. Cari!
    I disagree completely. While many studies indicated that increased physical activity can prolong life, who is to say that a prolonged life is better than a shortened life. We live in a world of chaos and despair and you want these people to be in it even longer? What are you, some kind of sadist? If anything people should be leaning in to the activities that bring them pleasure and shorten their time here in this wretched abyss. Drinking, smoking, eating, and generalized cavorting aught to be the prescription. Sure I suppose if a person needs to run, say from an assailant, then your advice would certainly put them in better physical condition to do so. However, if everyone, including the assailants, would just chill then we wouldn't have to run at all. Please think about this before writing such a short sighted blog post. Thanks! :)


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